Harry Potter pickup lines for the Potterheads

Okay, we'll come out and say it.

We think Valentine's Day is a hack.

But now that we have a podcast, we couldn't stop thinking about the interesting romantic pairings in the Harry Potter series. So we came up with a few pickup lines that you could use on your fellow Potterheads to get a date this Valentine's day (or get a strong talking to*).

Harry Potter and the rendezvous with a Basilisk

Harry Potter and the rendezvous with a Basilisk

Harry Potter and the only sports metaphor we can make

Harry Potter and the only sports metaphor we can make

Harry Potter and the line that'll offend Hermione

Harry Potter and the line that'll offend Hermione

Harry Potter and the creepy codependency

Harry Potter and the creepy codependency

This line might actually work.

This line might actually work.

*Try these at your own risk.